75 Allée des Cabris – 06250 MOUGINS

Phone : +33 4 97 14 80 05

Email : direction@lecabanoncapdail.fr

RCS : Cannes 893 613 802

SIRET : 893 613 802 00022

TVA : FR38893613802


Thibaut ZANIER

Phone : +33 4 97 14 80 05


Robin CUELLAR from BLACK CHROMA company
Phone : +33 6 12 15 86 10
Email : contact@blackchroma.com

This website is hosted by Black Chroma through PlanetHoster Inc. an eco-responsible hosting company whose head office is located at 4416 Louis B. Mayer, Laval (Québec) H7P 0G1, Canada

The host can be contacted on the following telephone number : +33 1 76 60 41 43


All the elements making up the skeleton of the site (photos, images, logos, flash® animations, modelled elements, etc.), as well as the technological elements (software creations, administration back-office, services offered, etc.) are protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of their respective authors, except in the limited cases of complete or partial transfer of rights to SAS CHIC LE CABANON.

The contents of the site (texts, articles, etc.) are the exclusive property of their authors and may not be reproduced or used without their agreement. SAS CHIC LE CABANON only authorises the reproduction of extracts from its articles via the RSS feeds present on its sites. In accordance with the provisions of article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction of partial or total content of the site is prohibited, whatever its form (reproduction, nesting, distribution, inline linking and framing techniques, etc.). Direct links to downloadable files (in any format) on our site are also prohibited. If you wish to establish a link with our site, please contact SAS CHIC LE CABANON before setting up the link to our site or its content. The texts present from external sources have been reproduced with the implicit or explicit agreement of their respective authors. As such, mention is made on the site of the respective sources and authors. Status of links and contents


The links present on the site (direct links, permalinks, partner links, etc.) redirect the user to sites whose content is under the responsibility of the publishers of said sites. Under no circumstances can SAS CHIC LE CABANON be held responsible for the content of these sites. As we attach particular importance to the legality of the contents of the sites to which our links point, we ask you to kindly inform us of any content that may seem illicit on the sites to which links have been set up.


The contents of the site published by SAS CHIC LE CABANON have been prepared with the greatest care. As such, no illicit or defamatory content is disseminated. Furthermore, they do not present any character that could be considered as “misleading advertising” within the meaning of articles 121-1 and following of the Consumer Code.

Advertisements on the sites Advertisements may be displayed on our sites. These may come from external sources (third-party affiliation management platforms, Google® ads, etc.) or be managed by our own advertising agency. SAS CHIC LE CABANON cannot be held responsible for the “misleading or aggressive” nature of advertisements from external sources. With regard to the advertisements managed by SAS CHIC LE CABANON, the latter reserves the right not to broadcast advertisements that are clearly misleading within the meaning of articles 121-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code.


In accordance with recommendation 2005-284 of the CNIL, this website has not been declared as such. However, all present or future data processing concerning this site has been or will be declared to the CNIL. The above-mentioned processing operations comply with the NS48 of 07/06/2005 issued by the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL). In accordance with articles 38 and 40 of law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. This right can be exercised online via our contact page or by post at the following address :

 SAS CHIC LE CABANON – 75 Allée des Cabris 06250 MOUGINS

How to exercise your right of access: Before we send you any personal data, we will ask you to provide us with proof of your identity. If you are unable to prove your identity, we reserve the right to refuse to send you your personal data. In accordance with Decree 2007-451 of 25 March 2007, your request will be met within a maximum of 2 months, subject to the non-abusive nature of the request. A lump sum not exceeding the cost of reproducing the documents will be invoiced to you following your request. Concerning the rights of rectification and deletion: the prerequisites are identical to those concerning the right of access.

The collection forms present on the Site specify in particular the purpose, the recipients and the duration of conservation.

The mandatory or optional nature of the data requested is indicated by an asterisk.

The personal data collected and processed on the Site are protected by appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk.

Users of the Site are informed that they have the following rights :

  • Right of access: you have the right to access the data that Les Canailles holds about you and to obtain a copy;
  • Right of rectification: you have the right to have your personal data rectified if they are inaccurate or obsolete and/or to complete them if they are incomplete;
  • Right of deletion: you have the right to have your data erased or deleted;
  • Right of limitation: you have the right to freeze the use of your data by our services while we process your requests;
  • Right to portability: you have the right to request to move, copy or transfer data from our database to another. This right applies only to data that you have provided, and provided that the processing is based on a contract or your consent and is carried out using automated processes;
  • Right of objection: you can object to the processing of your data at any time;
  • Ability to withdraw your consent at any time: where processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time and without justification;
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL: in the event of a request not being processed within the time limits indicated or if a request seems unsatisfactory.
  • Right to register on the Do Not Call List.

For any question relating to the protection of your personal data or to exercise your rights, you can contact the RGPD department of SAS CHIC LE CABANON, by e-mail at direction@lecabanoncapdail.fr or by post from the head office at 75 Allée des Cabris – 06250 MOUGINS.

Once the identity of the applicant has been verified, a response will be given within one month of receipt of the application. This one-month period may be extended by two months due to the complexity or large number of applications.


In accordance with Article 6 IV of Law No. 2004-575, any individual or legal entity named or designated on our website has a right of reply, without prejudice to requests for correction or deletion of the message that it may address to the headquarters of SAS CHIC LE CABANON. The request to exercise the right of reply, addressed to the director of the publication, must be presented at the latest within three months from the date on which the message justifying this request was made available to the public.


You can contact us via our contact page for any enquiries, or to exercise your right of access.

Folow us
